
  • Program Zapewnienia Jakosci
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 26. 10:24

    FULL TITLE: DETERMINANTS OF INDIVIDUAL CONSUMER BEHAVIOURS AND FEATURES OF THE POLISH DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS MARKETIdentification of the features of the Polish dietary supplements market based on factors determining individual consumer behaviours in this market. Methodology: Analysis of related literature – licensed science databases, reports and analyses published by commercial and state institutions. Results: The factors affecting the rapid Polish dietary supplements market growth include, among others, economic, social and cultural, demographic and psychological factors. In relation to these factors, determinants of individual consumer behaviours were identified and assigned with features of the Polish dietary supplements market. Conclusions: The common, intensive and multi-dimensional activity (especially marketing activity) of dietary supplements manufacturers and vendors in Poland resulted in the dynamic growth of this discipline in the market. The analysis of the features of the Polish dietary supplements market provides information concerning the market’s features in relation to the determinants affecting individual consumer behaviour in the market.

    Program Zapewnienia JakosciJakosci

    Kontrola Jakosci

    Full title: ASSESSMENT OF THE POSSIBILITIES TO INCREASE THE SAFETY OF AIR TRANSPORT AFTER INTRODUCING ALERTS FOR TERRORIST THREATSThe design of the shell and tube heat exchangr includes a tube-like shell with holes to which an inlet and outlet pipes are welded. Radial and tangential holes are produced manual-ly by means of plasma cutting with the use of specialized tools, which determines high labo-riousness of heat exchangers production. An automatic device is proposed to reduce the laboriousness of this operation. To produce the hole in the heat exchanger shell, two reversible motions are superimposed: linear motion of the cutter along the longitudinal axis of the shell and the shell rotary motion. A mathematical model of the required cutter motion is proposed, which describes the relative trajectories of the plasma cutter and the shell in parametric form. To verify theoretical premises, a prototype of the device was produced using a 3D pro-totyping technology, a ball screw for the reversible linear motion of the cutter and a stepper motor for the reversible rotary motion of the shell.

    Program Zapewnienia Jakosci Na Budowie

    The shell is fixed by means of a collet chuck and rests on the pipe roller support. Full title: ENTERPRISE RESTRUCTURING AND QUALITATIVE MANAGEMENT PARADIGMS – RESEARCH RESULTSIn the article, the author presents the general management principles based on the TQM philosophy and tries to answer the question to what extent these values are visible in modern times. The text shows examples of the implementation of traditional quality management principles today, by supporting modern IT systems. The main elements of the article focus around the issue of the impact of radical restructuring processes on the organizational culture in the today’s world. The article presents the results of research in this area carried out in a selected pharmaceutical company.

    The assumption is that the article is intended to encourage in-depth discussions regarding the further development of management methods that are increasingly interfering with company structures.

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